HA的临床表现主要为持续或反复的出血发作。如未有效治疗,关节和肌肉出血可导致痛性进展性关节病和肌肉萎缩,4 甚至会致残,进而对患者正常的生活、工作以及心理健康产生严重影响。虽然关节和肌肉是最常见的自发性出血部位,5 但中枢神经系统出血是未感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的血友病患者死亡的首要原因,约占所有死亡患者的三分之一。6
根据患者FVIII的活性水平,HA可被分为“轻型”、“中间型”或“重型”。5 轻型HA患者在严重创伤或手术期间可能发生严重出血,但罕有自发性出血。中间型HA患者偶有自发性出血或表现为轻微创伤或手术后的持续出血。重型HA患者即使在没有明显外伤的情况下,亦可发生自发性的关节和肌肉出血。HA患者FVIII活性通常以正常值的百分比来表示。正常人群FVIII活性水平在不同个体间差异较大, 可波动于50-150%之间。7
目前已知多种基因突变会影响凝血因子的表达,包括错义或无义突变、mRNA异常剪接、插入和缺失突变等。CDC血友病A突变项目(CHAMP) F8突变列表涵盖了迄今为止发现的超过2500种编码FVIII的 F8基因突变类型。 10
1. Berntorp E, Shapiro AD. Modern haemophilia care. Lancet 2012; 379:1447-56.
2. Stonebraker JS, Bolton-Maggs PH, Soucie JM, Walker I, Brooker M. A study of variations in the reported haemophilia A prevalence around the world. Haemophilia 2010;16:20-32.
3. O'Mahony B, Black C. Expanding hemophilia care in developing countries. Semin Thromb Hemost 2005;31:561-8.
4. Lottenberg R, Kentro TB, Kitchens CS. Acquired hemophilia. A natural history study of 16 patients with factor VIII inhibitors receiving little or no therapy. Arch Intern Med 1987;147:1077-81.
5. World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH): Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia; 2012.
6. Darby SC, Kan SW, Spooner RJ, et al. Mortality rates, life expectancy, and causes of death in people with hemophilia A or B in the United Kingdom who were not infected with HIV. Blood 2007;110:815-25.
7. Moser KA, Adcock Funk DM. Chromogenic factor VIII activity assay. Am J Hematol 2014;89:781-4.
8. Hoyer LW. Hemophilia A. N Engl J Med 1994;330:38-47.
9. Plug I, Mauser-Bunschoten EP, Bröcker-Vriends AHJT et al. Bleeding in carriers of hemophilia. Blood. 2006;108:52-6.
10. Payne AB, Miller CH, Kelly FM, Michael Soucie J, Craig Hooper W. The CDC Hemophilia A Mutation Project (CHAMP) mutation list: a new online resource. Hum Mutat 2013;34:E2382-91.